My name is Caroline Miller but everyone calls me “Kaia” (I’ll tell you the story behind that when I see you). This webpage is a place where I can tell you a little about myself and post some of my work in writing, photography, editing, and film. Some of these works, like this website, are works in progress as I experiment in different media to express myself. As a kid transitioning from high school to college, I too am very much a work in progress as well. Aren’t we all? I was born in New York City, but I spent my early childhood in Los Angeles and then Washington DC but New York is home and I am looking to go college right here in a city that offers the best of everything including education.
Taking The Leap: College
The purpose of this webpage is to augment the information contained in my college applications and for college admissions officers to be able to get a more rounded sense of me, my history, interests and projects. Think of it as “one stop shopping”. Here, you can find attachments or links to examples of my writing, art, and videos. These digital files might be too large to fit into the standard college application. What? Too “all bout me”? Hey, applying to college is a competitive process! If I don’t brag on me, who will?
Here is a little about my educational interests and how they developed. I have always been interested in art and if you click the links above, you can see how those interests have developed into different projects in abstract photography and drawing. I have an interest in history and current events and how they seem to relate if not repeat themselves. Click on the link for my short doc on fascism to explore that a little. I also possess a strong sense of fairness and justice. Since high school I’ve had a growing interest in psychology as well. Those two interests, justice and psychology, have combined to create my fascination with criminal profiling. After attending a summer youth academy at the FBI and hearing a profiler tell of her experiences tracking serial killers and sociopaths (and the fact that most of their victims are women), both my strong sense of justice and my interest in psychology were peaked. That is why I am looking forward to studying some combination of art, psychology, law and criminal justice. Think Clarice Starling but she’s an artist on the side.
My Churchill School College Counselors:
Erin Hugger, Director, College Counseling
Elizabeth Resnick, Associate Director, College Counseling